Beekeeping is a fun, enjoyable and, some would say, addictive hobby. The aim is to keep your bees healthy, manage your swarms and generate honey and/or other hive products such as wax, mead and royal jelly.
Beekeeping is often thought of being as being a traditional hobby, but it doesn't mean you need to be a traditional beekeeper. Nowadays there are so many new products, ideas and methods of beekeeping that the hobby keeps even the most experienced beekeeper on their toes.
Many have made beekeeping into a business, catering to the ever increasing demand from consumers to know the source of their products, and for them to be natural and eco-friendly.
Beekeeping and BeeCraft
BeeCraft aims to provide a informative monthly magazine for both new and experienced beekeepers alike. We cover a wide range of topics and pride ourselves on our ability to provide you with interesting stories from around the UK and abroad.
See some of the testimonials for BeeCraft Magazine here.
Check out our BeeCraft Live events to join in the conversation about beekeeping in the UK and abroad and come and see us at one of the many beekeeping shows and conventions that Bee Craft attends each year.
If you run a beekeeping branch, association, not for profit organisation or charity then you might qualify for the BeeCraft bulk subscription scheme. Find out more here.
I Want to Start Beekeeping
If you are new to beekeeping then we strongly recommend that you seek out your local beekeeping branch or organisation. They often have beginner courses and can assist you with the start of your beekeeping story. Check out some of the beekeeping courses available here on our website.
Of course, we recommend a subscription to BeeCraft Magazine as well. Monthly instalments of beekeeping knowledge, news and information to help you on your way.
If you are interested in bees, but don't have the time or resources required to run your own apiary, then there are still things you can do to help bees in your local area. Simple steps such as planting bee friendly flowers are welcomed by bees and beekeepers alike.
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* UK residents over the age of 18 can subscribe to BeeCraft via Direct Debit and save up to £7.00 on your subscription. For more information on our Direct Debit scheme, please click here.
- £30.00 - Digital Subscription | 12 months
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