We have a mobile-friendly layout to make the digital version as comfortable as possible to read.
No additional downloads are required, and no extra software is needed. Simply open your digital editions on your mobiles or tablets and enjoy.
Either head to our website - www.bee-craft.com - or our free BeeCraft app on your chosen device. If you aren't already logged in then use the login details supplied by BeeCraft to log in.
If you view your digital editions of BeeCraft Magazine on your phone, then once you are logged in, you should automatically see the adapted format.
If you have a larger mobile phone screen, a tablet, or are viewing your digital editions from our website and wish to see them in adaptive mode, just click on the ‘mobile view’ button which will appear once you have logged in.
The mobile view button looks like a newspaper article as shown below.
You can watch our helpful video on how to switch to your digital view below.
How can I swap back to the print format of BeeCraft Magazine?
If you wish to swap back to our standard print view of BeeCraft magazine, you can do so by clicking on the icon that looks like an open book - shown below.
What are my BeeCraft Magazine login details for the digital magazine?
If you have a subscription to BeeCraft Magazine, then your login details would have been emailed to you at the start of your subscription. These login details are also included each month within the BeeCraft Extra email (previously known as the BeeCraft newsletter) that is emailed to you.
Your username is the email address registered to your subscription.
Your BeeCraft password is a 6-digit number, also known as your BeeCraft subscriber id.
If you are unsure on your login details or want a reminder, then feel free to email [email protected] directly.
Should you have any questions or feedback regarding your digital BeeCraft Magazine then simply get in touch with our Subscriptions Manager by emailing [email protected].
Happy Beekeeping!
From the BeeCraft Magazine Team